id: 496706402 | 楼主:灰原哀VS十代 | 返回首页
id: 4990351943
2L | 作者:HappyLee_12 | 发布于 2008-11-02 09:57
id: 4990749944
3L | 作者:worldream | 发布于 2008-11-02 11:42
id: 4991111802
5L | 作者:HappyLee_12 | 发布于 2008-11-02 13:08
Super Mario Forever is really a classic Mario remake. Once again you strap on your wrench and hardhat and guide the chubby plumber through many skillfully made levels. The diversity of the levels is very impressive. You will have to get through levels ranging from underwater caverns to levels filled with hot lava.
Version 4.1 is a bug-fixing release.